Proper nutrient management leads to EXCEPTIONAL yield!!!

“With Good Honest work, we build great working relationships”

Ag services

Schoon farms has provided Fulton and Peoria counties in central IL with farming services for 4 generations. We offer cash rent, custom farming for row crops and hay/forage crops, and cost share farming.

We use GPS precision guidance for autosteer (lowers the amount of fuel, an time needed), VRT technology for fertilizer, nutrient management, and planting (putting more fertilizer where it’s needed and less where it isn’t), row shut-offs for planting (less overlap and less wasted seed) and Drone aerial technologies (spots potential problems before it’s too late) during the growing season to minimize our inputs while maximizing our yields.

Planting with autosteer

These technologies allow us to be more efficient which translates to more profit for our landlords and customers.
Also, for our landlords we offer our land management services at reduced costs to help with maintaining, and improving their asset. These services can include forestry mulching, brush mowing, waterway maintenance, fence row clearing/ maintenance, field drainage tile installation, field tile maintenance and repairs, erosion control, and some excavation, among other things.

We pride ourselves in having good working relationships with all of our landlords and customers and look forward to working with you, so give us a call today.
If you rent your farm ground to us, you can be assured that you will be getting top market value, a tenant who cares as much about your property as their own, and someone who will help increase the value of your asset.

If you are interested in cost sharing your farm ground, you can be assured that you are dealing with someone who uses the most up to date technology to deliver top yields with less input and that means more PROFIT FOR YOU.
